1.i have learned that stock has alot of critical steps to follow when making it and also that it can take a really long time.
2. I have never made soup from scratch before it was way different to do, but it worked out pretty well and tasted great.
3. I'm most proud of the bechamel sauce it was the perfect blend of cheese and cream but wasent to haevy.
4. I'm least proud of the yam and kale soup, it wasnt as creamy as i would have wished and it was alittle spicey for me.
5.  My favourite lab was the ichiban soup it was great having the vegatbles and noodles in thier mixed together my least favourite acitvity was the tomato sauce because it was a little chunckier than i would hav liked i think i would have made it less chunky and not have cooked the noodles for as long.
8.i would change the tomato sauce and amke it not as chunky and it would be delicious and i would not over cook the pasta.

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