This choux pastry took two or three days to make. The first day we made the dough it was different because this dough was made in a sauce pan, than we let it cool and through it into a piping bag and formed into our desired shape( but make sure they are big enough to fill). Into the oven they went at a high temperature of 425f for about ten minutes, than turn the heat down to about 350f for thirty minutes. Than let sit the next day we made to cream that fills them it was really creamy, we piped the cream into the pastry untill full. the only mistake we did was not fill them enouh.

No, choux pastry can be more than just dessert, 5 things you can fill in them would be.....
1) Cheese
2) Custard filling
3) Fruit
4) Traditional filling
5) Mushroom Marinara 
1) What makes these rise?
-Cream puffs rise from the high heat they are exposed to.
-Angel food cake rises from the air whipped into the egg whites.
-Butter cakes rise from the air whipped into the batter as well as the addition of baking powder or baking soda.
-Puff pastry's rise from the butter layer.

2)We alternate between wet and dry ingredients so that they will be distributed evenly throughout the entire dough.
We must let is sit in the pan for ten minutes because then it will not collapse on itself and become hard enough to support its own weight.
Sugar is not a dry ingredient.

3)The higher temperature lets the pastry rise and become hard on the outside, but the lower temperature keeps it warm and bakes the inside nice and soft.

4)The similarity between angel food cake and butter cake is that they both use cake flour instead of all purpose flour and a dereference is that angel food cake is way more sponge like than a butter cake.

The similarity between angel food cake and choux pastry is that they both flavouring agents such as vanilla and a difference is that choux pastry needs to be in high heat than placed in regular heat.

The similarity between butter cakes and choux pastry is that they both have butter and eggs and the difference is the butter cake is cooked at a constant temperature while choux pastry is doubled baked on two separate temperatures.    
Making on Friday

1) When making angel food cake, make sure to use the whip attachment on your electric mixer.

2)Angel food cake is leavened by air!!!

3)Adding cream of tartar does two things:
            -helps stabilize the foam
            -helps "whiten" the foam

4)Using cake flour allows the cake to be more tender
                                                                   5)Cake is cooled upside down to prevent the cake from collapsing on it's self. 
                                                                                -allow to cool 1 hour

First Day!